Saturday, February 9, 2013

They are Cut!!!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013 Bob Pursley of the City of the Village of Clarkston DPW cut the Phragmites under the power lines on White Lake Road. It received a lot of attention. The media was there from The Clarkston News and The Oakland Press, hundreds of car drove by during the 2 hours it took to do the job.

 One person actually stopped, she is from Oakland Township. She wanted to know what we were doing. We told her we were cutting the Phragmites under the power lines to prepare for a controlled burn to prepare the area to removal. The burn is to take place sometime before April 1st. The new growth, which is much more manageable,  will then be sprayed in the fall to kill the Phragmite stand and allow the area to be restored to its natural beauty. She asked Emily and I if we would consider speaking to the Oakland Township Board to explain to them how to get rid of their Phragmites. We are excited! One Phragmite stand at a time.... if that is what it takes.

As you drive by now, one can see Middle Lake. It is a sight for sore eyes. I urge you to call The City of the Village of Clarkston, thank them for their efforts to restore this beautiful area.

As an aside, I would like to wish my Uncle Carl a Happy 90th Birthday!